Gutsverwaltung Wittenberg GbR

The facility is located amidst a hilly landscape characterised by terminal moraine in the Plön district, in Schleswig-Holstein.

The climate is moderate due to proximity to the Baltic Sea.

A seed processing system is used in this facility, to which raw seeds are supplied by 3 agricultural holdings of Nordsaat Agrar, in Schleswig-Holstein.

The system processes wheat, barley and oats.

This facility has been operated by Nordsaat since 1955.

altitude above mean sea level30-70 m
rainfall Ø 25 y.850 l/m²
rainfall 2012637 l/m²
number of plates40-60, Ø 50

soil types
- predominantly sandy loam soil, with loamy hilltops and less boggy valleys
- partially loamy sand

ratio of crop types in % of the agricultural area
cereals (winter wheat + winter barley + oats): 69.0 %
rapeseed: 31.0 %

transport condition
- agricultural field size: Ø 19.60 ha (0.6 to 62 ha)
- field to farm distance: Ø 2.5 km (0.1 to 8 km), predominantly demarcated

The facility primarily focuses on the breeding and processing of seeds.